We know you care about paying it forward. Use your platform to raise funds for a birthday, professional accomplishment, or milestone - like getting your CPM®! Or simply to network with colleagues and demonstrate your leadership while inspiring others to support causes that matter.

Any donations you collect support scholarships, sustainability, diversity, research, or workforce development initiatives.

Host a happy hour, raise funds on social media, or donate the proceeds from a chapter event – creating a fundraising page with the Foundation is easy, and allows your supporters to give directly to the Foundation. We’ll take care of the tax receipts, thank you’s, and record keeping, and keep you up to date on your progress.

Sign up for your own fundraising page you can share via email, on an event page, or on social media!

Thank you to our recent fundraisers!

Kaci Hancock raised $3,490!
Byrdy Kelley raised $1,660!
Shari Jackson raised $504!
Jonathan Tucker raised $109,751! See how he did it here.

Please contact the Foundation team at foundation@irem.org for any questions or help with planning and inspiration.
